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Register a EuroDaT Client

You need to register a EuroDaT Client before it is able to connect to your EuroDaT instance. If you are the administrator of a EuroDaT instance, you can use the script cluster/scripts/

The tls.crt corresponding to the client secret is required, see our tutorial how to generate a client secret

Registration Script Usage

Run the following command to register a client:

    ./cluster/scripts/ \
      --context $KUBECTL_CONTEXT \
      --tls-cert-path $PATH_TO_CLIENT_TLS_CRT\
      --client-id $CLIENT_ID\
      --client-selector $CLIENT_SELECTOR\
  • --kubeconfig: Path to the kubeconfig file for Kubernetes access.
  • --context: Kubernetes context to use for registration.
  • --client-id: Unique identifier for the client being registered.

Registration Workflow at EuroDaT

    participant CB as Client Backend
    participant EC as EuroDaT Controller
    participant KC as Keycloak
    CB->>EC: Call registration endpoint<br>with client name and certificate
    alt New client
        EC->>KC: Create client with certificate
    else Client exists
        EC->>KC: Throw error