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How-to Guide


Use the cluster folder (the folder one level above Helm) to run these instructions

  • You need to add the required environment variables to your session (check all values.yaml for requirements and pipeline secrets for the actual values).

The following instructions can be executed using Git Bash in Windows

  • Add repositories
  helm repo add <repo_name> <repo_url>
  • update and build Helm dependencies
  helm dependency update <path_to_helm_folder>
  helm dependency build <path_to_helm_folder>
  • Create a new namespace with local files:
  envsubst < helm/eurodat/values.yaml | helm upgrade --install eurodat helm/eurodat --namespace $NAMESPACE --create-namespace --values -
  • Update namespace after changing configurations:
  envsubst < helm/eurodat/values.yaml | helm upgrade eurodat helm/eurodat --namespace $NAMESPACE --create-namespace --values -
  • Add kubeconfig file as a variable in Git Bash (and ensure your k8s context is correct since operator will use this context): Note that KUBECONFIG is a special environment variable that, when set, overwrites the kubectl context
  export KUBECONFIG=$(cat ~/.kube/config | dos2unix | base64 -w 0)