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How-to Guide

  • Start a container: docker run image-name
  • Get a list of containers: docker ps
  • Stop a container: docker stop container-name
  • Force stop and remove a container: docker rm -f container-name
  • Forcefully stop and remove all containers: docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq)
  • Build an image and start it: docker build -t image-name . && docker run image-name
  • Login to another registry: docker login repository-name
  • Tag an image: docker tag source-name target-name

Problems and Solutions

  • When using Podman, weird network problems happen: Don't use Podman, because even though most things work similarly to Docker, some things (such as communication between containers and localhost) don't
  • Docker containers do not communicate with each other: If you are using localhost, ensure that the localhost network is enabled with --network=host flag, or use the ip of the host machine (which might be simplified with host.docker.internal as endpoint)
  • I cannot use Docker: To test services locally, one might require a data connector(s). If you do not have Docker, it is possible to replace the "docker" commands with "podman". Podman may act differently compared to Docker and cause unexpected networking issues.