Kotlin Logging
We use Kotlin Logging as a lightweight logging framework for Kotlin.
It is a wrapper around the logging facade slf4j API. JBoss Logging is the logging backend. The following api
dependencies are used for the configuration.
Furthermore, the following dependencies are used to configure the log message format.
To obtain a logger, please add the following to your class:
import io.github.oshai.kotlinlogging.KotlinLogging
And place the definition above the class declaration, below imports, in order to make the field static and accessible only within the file:
private val logger = KotlinLogging.logger {}
MDC Contextual Logging
We add implicit context data such as appId and transactionId to possible log messages via Mapped Diagnostic Context (MDC). We import MDC via:
import org.slf4j.MDC
A key-value pair is used at every endpoint via MDC.put(key, value)
to add a key and the corresponding value to the MDC.