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Install as Helm Chart in Kubernetes

We created a Helm chart to allow convenient deployments of EuroDaT clients into Kubernetes clusters. Follow this guide if you want to use the EuroDaT Client in a Kubernetes cluster.

Install Helm

There are multiple ways to install Helm, refer to Helm's official installation site .

Create a Project Chart

If you don't have an own helm chart for your k8s deployment yet, create one. You can use it to deploy other resources of your cluster. We will add the EuroDaT Client as a subchart.

Create the chart using

helm create <project-name>

This will create a folder for your project which contains all necessary components:

├── Chart.yaml (chart definition, including used Helm subcharts)
├── charts (Helm's download location for subcharts)
├── templates (directory with definitions of additional k8s resources)
└── values.yaml (configuration values for own resources and subcharts)

If you only want to deploy a EuroDaT client and nothing more, you can delete all resources that were created by helm create in the templates directory and delete the content of the values.yaml file:

rm -r <project-name>/templates/*
echo "" > <project-name>/values.yaml

Install the Eurodat-Client Chart

Add the Helm chart of the EuroDaT Client as a dependency in project-name/Chart.yaml:

  - name: eurodat-client
    alias: client1
    version: vx.x.x
  - name: eurodat-client
    alias: client2
    version: vx.x.x

Add the EuroDaT helm repository:

helm repo add eurodat

Choose a EuroDaT client version. Check for the latest version by running

helm repo update
helm search repo eurodat/eurodat-client

and looking for the CHART VERSION. Note that we align CHART VERSION and APP VERSION to the version of EuroDaT's release. The version for which this documentation is valid is printed in the bottom-left corner of the page.

The code snippet above deploys two EuroDaT Clients, client1 and client2. You can add an arbitrary number of clients using different aliases. If you only need one client, you may remove the alias: line. Due to some restrictions in Helm, avoid using dashes (-) in the alias and only use lower-case letters.

Configure the EuroDaT Client

The EuroDaT Client helm chart deploys a client-controller application that needs to be configured to communicate with a EuroDaT instance. A few configurations are mandatory. For more, refer to the client's own values file

Add this minimal configuration to the <project-name>/values.yaml file:

    registry: ""

    fqdn: "<EuroDaT's IAM FQDN>"
        id: "<EuroDaT Client ID"
    clientController: "client-controller"
    tag: "<Image Tag>"

The individual values explained:

Value What it is for Where to find it
iam.fqdn The fully qualified domain name of the EuroDaT cluster you want to connect to Address of the EuroDaT cluster Client ID registered at EuroDaT's IAM service The ID used in the registration process
images.tag Image tag of the client controller application's image The EuroDaT version you want to use, find all images here

Create the Client Secret

Create a k8s secret following our tutorial on how to generate a client secret. Save the resulting secret as templates/eurodat-certificate-secret.yaml into the templates directory of our helm chart. Create a second k8s secret templates/<alias>-client-cluster-keystore-password-secret.yaml containing the base64-encoded password that was used to create the keystore:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: <alias>-cluster-keystore-password-secret
type: Opaque
  keystorePassword: "<bas64-encoded password>"

The placeholder <alias> refers to the alias which you have given to the EuroDaT client in the definition of the subchart dependency. You can use

echo -n <password> | base64

to encode the password. Be aware that echo appends a newline character by default.


Consider storing the keystore password in a secure environment, e.g., Vault or use a native cloud provider specific secrets management solution. In production environments, you should never hardcode secrets in files but generate the k8s secret from a secure source.

Deploying the Eurodat-Client

Set up the connection to your k8s cluster and run:

helm dependency build "$CHART_PATH"
helm upgrade [--kubeconfig <path-to-kubeconfig>] \
      --install eurodat-client \
      "$CHART_PATH" \
      --namespace "eurodat-client" \
      --create-namespace \
      --values "$CHART_PATH/values.yaml"